Welcome to my new website

Our goal is to see the health of your companion(s) be maximized, so they can live active and happy lives with you. In order to help you do this, we provide physical therapy and rehabilitation services which include both the most widely accepted techniques as well as newer modalities that are just emerging as safe and effective tools. Please see Therapy Techniques to learns about the modalities we use. There are many ways in which our therapy can help your pet be healthier and more active. Some of these include:

  • Adjusting growth abnormalities.
  • Controlling inflammation of many types of injuries, especailly of the spine and other joints.
  • Aiding post-operative healing for faster return to normal function.
  • Strengthening muscles and thereby joints.
  • Aiding weight control and fitness to increase health and longevity.

We provide our services at your veterinarian’s office for your convenience and to allow your pet to be familiar and comfortable surroundings during his or her therapy. This allows your veterinarian to be completely involved in the planning and continued care of your pet’s therapy and their staff to learn about and be involved with your pet’s care. We also provide many options for you to be involved in your pet’s fitness plan, including both therapies and exercises. Please see your physician prior to beginning any new exercise. I look forward to receiving questions, some of which I may answer directly and others I may answer in a blog-post. My colleagues and I appreciate your patience while we are working to develop our website, so that we can give you the most comprehensive compendium for YOU to help your pet. Dr. Cindy Rigg